Thursday, February 23, 2017

To my students

Dear students,
Firstly, congratulations to all of you.
Secondly, I would like you to say that I am so proud of you that I cannot avoid writing a few words in order to express my happiness for having you as students.
On the one hand, a teacher needs to give you contents and ways of learning.
On the other hand, students need to be motivated to learn them.
However, the most important part of the learning process is enjoying together and so we do.
To sum up, I feel so motivated with you because you are not only the best students but also the best people I have ever worked with.
Congratulations for your effort and for having such incredible attitude.
Be good people,
then learn English!
Do not give up struggling!!
P.S: It was a pleasure to dance and laugh with you during the Carnival day.
Thanks  to 2Batx C 2Batx B
3ESO A B E and FPB1
Enjoy your long weekend!
Visit my blog to practise😉