Thursday, November 28, 2013

Documentary: The polar bear

David Attenborough: The truth about Climate Change. BBC part I

Listen and watch this following video.Click  here
Write this activity on your notebook and choose the most suitable answer.

  1. Climate has changed all over the world since the last
  2. Some people died because of
         a)the coldest summer
         b)the hottest summer
     3. Polar bears
                    a)don't hunt any seals
      b) usually hunt some seals.
     4.The ice, in the Arctic,
           a) is melting too fast
           b) is not melting fast enough

Write a letter to your council. Imagine you have a solution to solve the problem of pollution, global warming and climate change. Describe the causes of the problem and suggest ideas.
In case you need help, see page 29 (3ESO workbook)and vocabulary from Unit 3.


Click on THE FOX
Listen and read the lyrics.
Write all the words that you see on the screen about animals and their sounds. 
Example:                 'The cat goes meow '
Change the affirmative sentences into negative.
 Example:               'The cat doesn't go ...'
Make 5 questions about the different animals.
 Example:               'Does the cat go...?'