Informació rebuda de la UIB:
Us comunicam que s’estableix una ampliació del termini de prematrícula
de la PBAU, els dies 24 i 25 d’abril de 2017. L’alumne/a ha de lliurar
el formulari presencialment al Servei d’Alumnes i Gestió Acadèmica abans
del 28 d’abril. En aquest termini acceptarem noves prematrícules, com
també modificacions de les ja presentades.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Monday, March 27, 2017
2Batx 3rd Term
I remind you that ,on 24th April, you will be taking the Grammar and Vocabulary test.
Apart from the vocabulary from Unit 1 to Unit 6, you have to take into account the vocabulary related to these following topics: technology, crime and punishment and relationships; which is posted on this blog (2016) and it is included as a content in your Selectivity test.
Regarding the grammar part, remember that it is important to have revised all of it before (from U.1 to U.6): Verbal tenses, reported speech, relatives, conditionals, the passive voice and the modals.
You'd better practice either using my blog or doing workbook activities.
If you practise every day and if you ask your doubts in class, you will pass.
Bear in mind that the Reading and Writing test is on 3rd May.
Advice: You should have read a lot before the exam and you ought to try to use specific vocabulary and connectors (linkers).
Follow the structure we have been practising in class depending on the kind of text in order to write an 'Opinion essay' or a 'For and Against essay'.
You should ALWAYS follow the rubric.
Connectors, specific vocabulary, idioms, fluency, coherence, a good use of grammar(2Batx level) and a neat, clear and structured writing will make you get a higher mark.
Apart from the vocabulary from Unit 1 to Unit 6, you have to take into account the vocabulary related to these following topics: technology, crime and punishment and relationships; which is posted on this blog (2016) and it is included as a content in your Selectivity test.
Regarding the grammar part, remember that it is important to have revised all of it before (from U.1 to U.6): Verbal tenses, reported speech, relatives, conditionals, the passive voice and the modals.
You'd better practice either using my blog or doing workbook activities.
If you practise every day and if you ask your doubts in class, you will pass.
Bear in mind that the Reading and Writing test is on 3rd May.
Advice: You should have read a lot before the exam and you ought to try to use specific vocabulary and connectors (linkers).
Follow the structure we have been practising in class depending on the kind of text in order to write an 'Opinion essay' or a 'For and Against essay'.
You should ALWAYS follow the rubric.
Connectors, specific vocabulary, idioms, fluency, coherence, a good use of grammar(2Batx level) and a neat, clear and structured writing will make you get a higher mark.
Focus on your skills!
Do not hesitate!
Believe in yourself!
The most difficult part of the job is done!
Go for it!
Focus on your skills!
Do not hesitate!
Believe in yourself!
The most difficult part of the job is done!
Go for it!
P.S: Show your attitude in class to get the 10%
It's the final countdown!!!
It's the final countdown!!!
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Pergamo museum. Berlin
Dear students
Here you have a picture and a text you should read.
Make a list of words and translate them.
Here you have a picture and a text you should read.
Make a list of words and translate them.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
2Batx. Thanks!!!Danke!!!
All the bridges have joined people from different countries and cultures all over the years. Go across the river of the life enjoying every second and learn as much as you can.
Thanks for making the trip to Berlin come true!
It has been a pleasure.
Good people and good students
will make a better future!!!
I'm not forgetting the ones who haven't come!!!
See you tomorrow
The film:Bridge of spies. Potsdam.
Documentary: The Berlin Wall
Thanks for making the trip to Berlin come true!
It has been a pleasure.
Good people and good students
will make a better future!!!
I'm not forgetting the ones who haven't come!!!
See you tomorrow
The film:Bridge of spies. Potsdam.
Documentary: The Berlin Wall
Thursday, March 16, 2017
A song
Dear students,
As I promised, I've posted the video (that) we were watching in class.
You've got a friend in me
Read and sing with the following karaoke:
You've got a friend in me. Karaoke
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Informació Important PAU
Heu d'entrar al link per fer prematrícula Selectivitat online a l'enllaç que trobareu a les següents instruccions.
Es necessari entregar el full de prematrícula divendres 17 de Març a l'aula Info 4 a l'hora d'anglès. Urgent!!!
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Survey about 'English'
Dear students,
Copy this survey on a piece of paper and answer with one of the following adverbs of frequency, according to you:
1. Never
2. Not very often/ Hardly ever
3. Sometimes
4. Usually
5. Always
Assessment: English as a subject.
1. Are you interested in English?
2. Are the topics and contents useful to you?
3. Give a number to English as a subject.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Assessment: the English teacher
4. Understandable explanations
5. Activities to learn English
6. Solving doubts
7. Good atmosphere in class to collaborate and participate
8. Contribution to learn English better
9. Fulfilment of rules
10. Punctuality
11. To let us know how we will be evaluated
12. To let us know what will be evaluated
13. Assessment task in the proper time
Copy this survey on a piece of paper and answer with one of the following adverbs of frequency, according to you:
1. Never
2. Not very often/ Hardly ever
3. Sometimes
4. Usually
5. Always
Assessment: English as a subject.
1. Are you interested in English?
2. Are the topics and contents useful to you?
3. Give a number to English as a subject.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Assessment: the English teacher
4. Understandable explanations
5. Activities to learn English
6. Solving doubts
7. Good atmosphere in class to collaborate and participate
8. Contribution to learn English better
9. Fulfilment of rules
10. Punctuality
11. To let us know how we will be evaluated
12. To let us know what will be evaluated
13. Assessment task in the proper time
Give it to your teacher in the next English lesson.
Do not write your name, please.
You can write your opinion if you like.
You will find the survey in Catalan on this blog as well in case you need some help.
Do not write your name, please.
You can write your opinion if you like.
You will find the survey in Catalan on this blog as well in case you need some help.
Thank you!
See you in class
See you in class
Valoració de l'assignatura
1.L'assignatura té interès per mi *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
2.Els diferents temes em resulten útils a nivell personal *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
3. Valora l'assignatura en una escala de 0 a 5
O 0
O 1
O 2
O 3
O 4
O 5
Valoració del professorat
4. Les seves explicacions són clares i entenedores *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
5.El/La professor/a fa activitats que faciliten la comprensió de l'assignatura *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
6. El/La professor/a respon satisfactòriament els dubtes i comentaris dels alumnes *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
7.El/La professor/a, sap crear un bon clima de classe i afavoreix la participació *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
8.La seva manera de dur la classe contribueix a estudiar millor l'assignatura *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
9.El/la professor/a compleix les normes del centre *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
10.El/la professor/a és puntual *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
Valoració de l'avaluació
11.El/La professor/a explica clarament com avaluarà *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
12.El/La professor/a explica amb claredat el que s'avaluarà *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
13.El/La professor/a respon a les tasques d'avaluació en un termini adequat *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
1.L'assignatura té interès per mi *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
2.Els diferents temes em resulten útils a nivell personal *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
3. Valora l'assignatura en una escala de 0 a 5
O 0
O 1
O 2
O 3
O 4
O 5
Valoració del professorat
4. Les seves explicacions són clares i entenedores *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
5.El/La professor/a fa activitats que faciliten la comprensió de l'assignatura *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
6. El/La professor/a respon satisfactòriament els dubtes i comentaris dels alumnes *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
7.El/La professor/a, sap crear un bon clima de classe i afavoreix la participació *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
8.La seva manera de dur la classe contribueix a estudiar millor l'assignatura *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
9.El/la professor/a compleix les normes del centre *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
10.El/la professor/a és puntual *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
Valoració de l'avaluació
11.El/La professor/a explica clarament com avaluarà *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
12.El/La professor/a explica amb claredat el que s'avaluarà *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
13.El/La professor/a respon a les tasques d'avaluació en un termini adequat *
O Gens
O Poc
O Regular
O Bé
O Molt bé
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